Optional Keyboard Selection |
Order Code |
Description |
c / cu |
Cherry 83 key Keyboard with high quality 16mm integrated trackball and two button pointing device.
Featuring: Mechanical keys with gold crosspoint contacts for high-precision key action, Individual key life expectancy approximately 20 million cycles and a MTBF of 134,000 hours. Multiple lan-guage support available. P5/2 Interface with Optional USB. |
e / eu |
IBM AT Compatible 104 key membrane Keyboard with high quality integrated Cirgue Glidepad al-lows full mouse functionality. Individual key life expectancy approximately 5 million cycles. PS/2 Interface with Optional USB. |
ce / ceu |
Cherry 83 Key Keyboard with high quality Integrated Cirque Glidepad allows full mouse functionality. Featuring: Mechanical keys with gold crosspoint contacts for high-precision key action. Indi-vidual key life expectancy approximately 20 million cycles and a MTBF of 134,000 hours. Multiple language support available. PS/2 Interface with Optional USB. |
n / nu |
NEMA 4 with integrated Pressure Sensitive Pointing Device from Staco Switch. This keyboard was designed for ru gged duty computer applications where clean environments must be maintained. This keyboard features a wipeable surface, allowing for easy removal of dust, dirt, chemicals or foreign matter. All keys are evenly backlit. P5/2 or USB Interface. Can be viewed while wearing Night Vision Goggles. |
s |
Sun Microsystems Type 5 Compatible, 101 to 105 Key (Depending on Language Variant) Keyboard with high quality 25 mm integrated trackball and three button pointing device. Featuring: Individu-al Key Life expectancy approximately 50 million cycles and a MTBF of 55,000 hours. USE Interface and Serial Variants to support new and legacy Sun Systems. (RDKB Series Only) |
m |
Want to get back to using a mouse with your Rack computers and not sacrifice the Real Estate of a 2U KVM Drawer? Finally a Mount Keyboard Combo that does just that within the compact Clamshell Ii.] Design.
Keyboard: Cherry 83 Key Keyboard Featuring Mechanical Keys with Gold Crosspoint Contacts for high Precision action Individual life expectancy ??20 Million Cycles, MTBF of 134,000 hours. Multiple language support Available P5/2 Interlace, with optional USB.
Mouse: Small enough to use right above the keyboard and tuck neatly away when you close the clamshell KVM Drawer -just 1" wide and 2.5" long. Smooth optical technology point & click with ease, speed, and precision. Two buttons -left & right click. Works on most surfaces, no need for a mouse pad. High impact polycarbonate shell. Ultra-light 3ft. cord durable yet flexible. Maintenance free with no ball or moving parts to clean. USB connector |
p / pu |
This industrial 113 Key Keyboard with integrated HulaPoint pointing device comes with 20 Function Keys, a 1.0-Key Number pad and is made of industrial silicone rubber. It has an operating temperature range of -40F to I 94P (-40C to 90C) and a MTBP Greater than 10 Million Cycles. It can be ordered in MS Windows (P5/2 or USE) or SUN (USE oily) Configurations. |
3e |
(SP60) This touch pad keyboard has an enhanced slim design, which works with any IBM P8/2 com patible computer. Utilizing the latest in rubber mechanical key switch technology. Built-in touch pad with super sensing technology for precise tracking, 3 standard mouse buttons, and excellent tactile keystroke . High quality rubber membrane key switches P5/2 and (USE Iu Order Code) Interface, Work with KVM switches, 1,000,000 life cycles Compatible OS: Win98SE/2000/ME/XP FCC, CE, ESD and BSMJ certification. |
b |
(SP7T) This trackball-keyboard has an enhanced slim design, which works with any IBM P5/2 compatible computer. Utilizing the latest in rubber mechanical key switch technology. Built-in 16mm optical trackball 2 standard mouse buttons, excellent tactile keystroke. High quality rubber mem-brane key switches, P5/2 and (USE Ju Order Code) Interface, Work with KVM switches, 17000,000 life cycles Compatible OS Win98SE/2000/ME/Xl? FCC, CE, ESD and BSN4I certification. |